

Visual Art Terms: D

Dada: Art movement that emerged after the WW1 in Zurich in reaction to the war that included performance poetry, and art with extreme satirical and nonsensical elements to express their feelings.

Daguerreotype: A process for making a direct positive image on a metal plate, invented by Louis Daguerre in 1839. The process involved taking a picture with a camera obscura and exposing the resulting image to mercury vapor, which caused it to chemically change into an image on the metal plate.

Decadence: Late 19th Century art style that freely used morbid, erotic and spiritual symbolism.

Décollage: A technique in art that involves the removal, cutting, or tearing of layers of pre-existing images or materials from a surface in order to create a new composition. It is often associated with the Dada and Nouveau Réalisme movements.

Decorative Arts: A category of art that includes objects that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing, such as furniture, ceramics, textiles, and jewelry. Decorative arts are often designed to enhance the beauty of everyday life.

 Degenerate Art: A term used by the Nazi regime in Germany to describe modernist art that did not conform to their ideal of traditional, realistic art. The Nazis considered this art to be a threat to German culture and banned it, often confiscating and destroying it. Today, the term is recognized as a derogatory and politically motivated label used to discredit modernist art.

Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider)

Die Brücke (the Bridge)

Digital Art


Direct Cinema

Drip Painting

Documentary Film

Documentary Photography

Double Exposure






Art Will Soothe Your Soul

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