Visual Art Terms: F
Facade: In architecture, a facade refers to the front-facing exterior wall of a building. It is often the most visually prominent part of a building and is designed to make a statement about the building's style and purpose.
Fairy Painting: A genre of painting that depicts scenes from fairy tales, folklore, or mythological stories. Fairy paintings often feature magical creatures, such as fairies, elves, and goblins, and are characterized by their whimsical and imaginative qualities.
Fantastic Realism: A style of art that combines elements of realism with fantastic or surreal elements. Fantastic realism often includes detailed, realistic depictions of everyday objects or scenes, combined with elements of fantasy or dream-like imagery.
Fauvism: A style of painting that emerged in France in the early 20th century, characterized by bold, bright colors and simplified forms. Fauvist artists used color for its expressive qualities, rather than its ability to accurately represent reality, and often painted landscapes and still life
Federal Art Project: A New Deal program in the United States that provided funding for artists and writers during the Great Depression. The Federal Art Project employed thousands of artists to create public works of art, including murals, sculptures, and posters, and helped to support the development of American art during a difficult economic period.
Feminist Art
Figurative art
Film Still
Form (Formal)
Found Objects